Feedback is an open forum where members can leave comments about their experiences. It's important to remember that, in most cases, the Feedback you leave is permanent.
Buyers aren't allowed to use threats of poor Feedback or low detailed seller ratings to get something that wasn't part of the original listing. Sellers aren't allowed to demand positive Feedback from buyers.
Feedback manipulationMembers aren't allowed to exchange Feedback for the sole purpose of increasing Feedback scores, or enhancing reputation. Buyers aren't allowed to attempt to damage a seller's Feedback through a series of repeat purchases.
Feedback in seller terms and conditionsSellers can't include terms or conditions in a listing that limit or restrict the buyer's right to leave Feedback.
When Feedback may be changed or removedRatings and comments are generally a permanent part of a member's Feedback Profile. However, there are a few situations when 1 Click Auctions might remove or adjust Feedback, for instance, if a member included links, profanity or other inappropriate content in Feedback comments.